Synthetic Vs. Natural Supplements

What is REALLY in your supplements? Are synthetic supplements the same as natural supplements? Are they really that different?  These should be the questions going through your mind while you stand at the local pharmacy or grocery store aisle picking up a bottle of vitamin D, Calcium, Airborne, or fill in the blank! When advocating for your own health, one needs to consider the quality and source of the ingredients or you could be wasting your money and creating more havoc for your body to clean up. 

Synthetic supplements were discovered in the early 1930’s and were used primarily for vitamin deficiency diseases.  Although synthetic supplements can alleviate deficiencies, they do not work with natural body functions and end up creating extra work for the liver and a lot of waste to clean up.  Synthetic supplements are made from petroleum derivates, coal, tar, and harsh chemicals. 

Natural supplements are made from whole foods like fruits and vegetables in concentrated forms.  Your body recognizes the natural form and can break them down easily and therefore can then use the nutrients efficiently.  Synthetic supplements contain single isolates of vitamins.  For example, taking just a vitamin D, zinc, or a calcium supplement in its isolated form, impedes digestion and lack of absorption of the supplement, because the co-factors are missing.  We can actually create a deficiency instead of increasing nutrients. 

Natural supplements contain plant-based enzymes that help your body to digest and absorb nutrients.  Synthetic supplements contain binders, fillers and neurotoxins like hexane that are harmful.  Natural supplements have nothing artificially added or anything of value taken out.  The ingredients are carefully sourced from small growers using quality, raw materials and sustainable organic practices that protect the environment. 

Synthetic supplements are typically sold at drug stores, convenience stores, grocery stores and discount stores and even health food stores (be careful!)

At Healthy Life Transformations we have over 10 years of experience using natural, whole-food, herbal, and homeopathic supplements that are scientifically tested by companies to assure quality and effectiveness.


What can you do? Go take a look in your cabinet! What questionable supplements do you have lurking around your house creating more work for you instead of helping.  Call in today for a New Client Appointment to see how natural supplements can benefit you!

- Genna Dimmick 11/10/22


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